Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hope Restored. Luke:24:13-21,28-35

Become He has Risen all our Hope is Restored:

This a Summery of the Lesson:

This takes place Early Sunday. Morning. Jesus had Risen from the grave the woman seen him first.

Theses 2 disciples are walking back to Jerusalem. They are not the disciplines as we know . There were other disciples. Luke gave us there name. Cleopas and in reach it said the other one could be his Wife. Let us not let that cause us to miss the message. After saying that These two disciple was depressed there hope was gone, there Lord was now dead. The one who had gave sight to the blind , cashed out daemons, no doubt they were saying what are we going to do.

Jesus caught pup with them in verse in verse 15 but they did not know Him
Verse 16 Jesus ask why you are sad, what you talking about.
Verse 16 the answer. Are you a stranger don't you know Jesus of Nazareth , which was a prophet mighty in deeds and words before God and all the people Verse 20. The chief priests and our rulers delivered and have condemned to death, and have crucified him.

Jesus went home with them and He ate with them . When He blessed the bread they knew who he was. When you get blessed from God you will know who He is

Notice what they said "didn't our Hearts Burn within us while He talked wit us"
When I was a girls there was a old deacon name Deacon Harris He would say didn't our hearts burn, I thought it was funny then.

The disciple went where way telling the news.

When Jesus speaks to you you will know the voice, and you can't keep it to yourself

Happy Easter

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